Transfer Assets

The Transfer Assets task allows the asset warehouse manager to transfer assets from the warehouse to/from and between the relevant company branches within the Eldir DSO system. The purpose of the transfer is so that assets may be assigned from the asset warehouse Branch to a company Branch.

Animation: In this animation, we transfer assets from the asset warehouse to a company branch.


  1. In the Assets Process Group there is a Process called Asset Management, click on this process button, and select the Transfer Assets task.
  2. Under Step 1 select the Branch/Warehouse you wish to transfer assets from (Note: on the first transfer, the From Branch is the warehouse.
    1. then select the Branch/ Warehouse you wish to transfer equipment to.
  3. Capture additional information in the comments field as required.
  4. Under Step 2, in the Transfer table in the first line item:
    1. Select the Asset Category of the asset type to transfer then,
    2. Select from the assets to transfer from the relevant browse page option.

Note: Only one asset per line item can be captured at a time.

  1. Once you have captured all the items for transfer, click Complete, and the equipment will be transferred to the Branch.