Capture Warehouse Uniforms

The Capture Warehouse Uniforms task allows the uniform warehouse manager to capture received uniform items into the Eldir DSO system. The user may capture 20 different line items in one capture action.

Animation: In this animation we capture received uniform items into the Eldir DSO system.


  1. In the Uniform Management Process Group there is a Process called, Uniform Management, click on this process button and select the Capture Warehouse Uniforms
  2. Select the Warehouse Branch you are capturing the uniform(s) for.
  3. In the Capture Uniform table, select the catalogue item you are capturing in the Product Code column along with the quantities received.
    1. On the top right of the capture uniform table, use the (-) button or (+) to remove / add a line item to the list of uniforms.

Click Complete to submit the task.