Branch Asset Management

The Asset Management process allows Branch Asset Manager roles/users to:

  • Request Assets.
  • Transfer Assets to a Branch which includes proof of the transfer of assets.
  • Complete Transfer Assets.

The below tasks are available for the Branch Asset Manager:

Process Task | Screen Name User Role
Asset Management Request Assets Branch Asset Manager
Asset Management Transfer Assets Branch Asset Manager
Asset Management Transfer Complete Branch Asset Manager

Request Assets

The Request Asset task allows the Branch Asset Manager to request specific assets be ordered, this request is sent to the Asset Warehouse Manager to action.

Animation: In this animation we request assets, this notification request is sent to the Asset Warehouse Manager.


  1. In the Assets Process Group there is a Process called, Asset Management, click on this process button to select the Request Assets task.
  2. First select the Asset from the Assets Catalogue you wish to request from the Asset Warehouse then,
  3. Select the quantity required, and if possible, add comments relating to your request.
  4. Once completed click Submit.