Transfer Assets

The Transfer Assets task allows the Branch Asset Manager to transfer assets from their assigned branch/es to the Site(s) within their assigned Branch.

Animation: In this animation we transfer assets from one branch to a branch site.


  1. In the Assets Process Group there is a Process called, Asset Management, click on this process button and then select the Transfer Assets task.
  2. Under Step 1: First, Select the Branch you are assigning assets from.
  3. Then, select the Site you are assigning assets to.
  4. Additional information may be captured in the Comments
  5. Step 2: Select the assets for transfer in the Transfer table.
    1. Note: you are required to first select an asset Category and then select the asset type.
  6. Under Step 3: Once all items for transfer have been added to the Transfer table, click Complete.

The Transfer Complete task allows the Asset Site Manager to complete the assignment of assets from a branch to a site.