View Asset Request
The View Asset Request can be found in the asset warehouse manager’s pending tasks list. The View Asset Request task notifies the warehouse manager of an asset manager’s asset request.
This request includes the Branch, of the assets being requested, the date the request was submitted, and the equipment list including qty and comments. The asset warehouse manager can then include the requests in their asset order with the relevant suppliers or distribution of existing assets.
On receipt of the ordered assets, the asset warehouse manager must capture / upload the assets received into the Eldir DSO system.
Animation: In this animation view an Asset request and archive the notification.
- In your pending tasks list select the View Request task.
- When opening the pending task, the signed-in user will be presented with an opportunity to take ownership of the equipment request. This cannot be undone. Once you have assigned the task to yourself, you will not be able to assign it back to the group.
- In the Asset Request table is the list of required catalogue item(s), their quantities, and any comments from the requesting equipment manager.