Uniform Warehouse Management

These selected processes, within the Uniform Management process, allow Uniform Warehouse Management roles / users to:

  • Upload and edit uniforms for a company specific catalogue,
  • View uniform requests
  • Capture warehouse uniforms
  • Inter-branch uniform transfer
Process Task | Screen Name User Role
Catalogue Management Edit Catalogue Uniform Warehouse Manager
Catalogue Management Upload Catalogue Uniform Warehouse Manager
Uniform Management Capture Warehouse Uniforms Uniform Warehouse Manager
Uniform Management Inter-branch Uniform Transfer Uniform Warehouse Manager

Upload Catalogue

The Upload Catalogue task allows the warehouse manager to upload a bulk uniform catalogue. The catalogue upload template has the below column names:

  • Product (This refers to the product category e.g., step out uniform, guarding uniform)
  • ProdCode
  • ProdName (This is the product description e.g., grey camo standard combat trousers)
  • UnitPrice
Animation: In this animation we upload a catalogue. 


  1. In the Uniform Management Process Group there is a Process called, Catalogue Management, click on this process button and select the Upload Catalogue
    1. Ensure the excel catalogue upload file has the below column headings:
    • Product
    • ProdCode
    • ProdName
    • UnitPrice
    1. Use the Add button to attach the catalogue for upload. Click Confirm to upload.
    2. Once uploaded the Confirm button will change to a Submit
      1. If no issues have been found in the uploaded document the upload may be submitted
    3. Click Submit to upload the catalogue.