Employee Termination

The purpose of this task is to allow the offboarding of an employee.

The Employee Offboarding Process allows for employee termination from DSO, when this process is started, the employment status, on the employee onboarding screen is changed to Offboarding, this process looks at the employees (offboarding) roster, uniform, payroll and then the completion task (the notification task). Four employee termination steps are generated:

  • a replacement task, if the person is on a roster.
  • a uniform task if the person has uniforms issued to them.
  • a payroll task.
  • a notification task – this is the final step in offboarding.

The notification task is the final step in Employee Offboarding. This step must be completed to fully offboard an employee from DSO. While an employee is in an Offboarding status, they are still able to attend work and clock in | out as normal.

Once fully offboarded an employee’s Employee Status is automatically set to Inactive by DSO and the Employment Status changes from Offboarding to Terminated.

Animation: In this animation we start the offboarding process for an employee.


  1. Navigate to Start a Process and select Human Resources, then select the Employee Offboarding process, the Employee Termination task will open.
  2. Under Step 1 select the employee to be offboarded.
  3. Under Step 2 select the termination reason, the date, and add comments.
  4. Under Step 3 attach any related documents.
  5. Under Step 4 click Continue to start the offboarding process.
  6. The Offboarding task creates four pending tasks:
    1. Termination notification – this is a control task for the originator to group the pending tasks generated for the employee offboarding and the tasks status. This task will appear in your pending task list.
    2. Termination of payroll – this task is sent to the Finance user. The payroll manager confirms the termination information. This task cannot be completed until the uniform task has been completed.
    3. Termination of uniform – this task is sent to the uniform manager to collect the employees issued uniform, arrange AOD where applicable. If the employee does not have uniform(s) assigned, this task will not be generated, the termination notification will check the status on the notification table as Complete.
    4. Termination Replacement – this task is sent to the site manager to schedule a replacement employee for the offboarded employee. If the employee is not rostered to a site this task will not be generated, the termination notification will check the status on the notification table as complete.
Animation: In this animation we review the Employee Offboarding Notification Task

How To Complete The Termination of Uniform Task

7. How to complete the Termination of Uniform task:

    1. Sign In as the Uniform Manager, navigate to Pending Tasks, select and click to open the Termination of Uniform task you are completing.
    2. Under Step 1 review the employee details of the offboarding employee.
    3. Under Step 2 capture the details of the uniform(s) which is being returned. This includes:
      1. Quantity of the items Returned.
      2. Return Status of the items Returned.
        • Lost
        • New
        • Serviceable
        • Unserviceable
        • Written-Off
    4. Step 3: Click Complete to process the return of uniform(s).
    5. The complete uniform issue task allows the uniform manager to complete the issuing of uniform(s) to an employee with proof of receipt. A pdf of the issue/return receipt created is emailed to the uniform manager for printing and employee signature.
    6. The Complete Uniform Issue task can be found in the pending task list. Open the task and confirm the employee details above the Add Signed Receipt
      1. Click Add and attach the signed uniform issued/returned receipt.
      2. If required, an AOD (Acknowledgement of debt) form may be attached to this task.
    7. Click Complete to submit and archive the task.
  • The information in the Assigned Uniform table should include the items in the signed uniform issued / returned receipt.

Note: This Termination of Uniform task will remain open until all uniform items have been returned.

Animation: In this animation we complete the Termination of Uniform task

How To Complete The Termination Of Payroll Task

  1. How to complete the Termination of Payroll task:
    1. Sign In as the payroll/finance manager, navigate to pending tasks, select and click to open the Termination of Payroll task you are completing.
    2. Under Step 1 review the employee details of the offboarding employee.
    3. Under Step 2 review and update the payroll details of the offboarding employee. This includes:
      1. Last Payment Date
    4. Under Step 3 click Complete to process the payroll task.

Note: This Termination of payroll task can only be completed after the Termination of Uniform task has been completed as this may have a financial impact on the employee offboarding.

Animation: In this animation we complete the Termination of Payroll task

How To Complete The Termination Replacement Task

  1. How to complete the Termination Replacement task:
    1. Sign In as the Site Manager, navigate to Pending Tasks, select and click to open the Termination Replacement task you are completing.
    2. Under Step 1 review the employee details of the offboarding employee.
    3. Under Step 2 review the shift replacement information, select an employee to replace the offboarding employee to be rostered. This includes selecting a
      1. Replacement Employee selection only.
    4. Under Step 3 click Complete to process the replacement(s).

Note: This Termination of schedule replaces the offboarding / offboarded employee with an active employee on the site and employee roster.

Animation: In this animation we complete the Termination Replacement task

How To Complete The Termination Notification Task

  1. How to complete the Termination Notification task:
    1. Sign In as the HR user who started the offboarding process (the originator), navigate to Pending Tasks, select and click to open the Termination notification task you are completing.
    2. Under Step 1 review the employee details of the offboarding employee.
    3. Under Step 2 review the termination details and the termination task’s status:
      1. If all termination task status are checked, the employee offboarding can be completed.
      2. Step 3: Select either Continue Termination or Cancel Termination and click Complete to process termination.
Animation: In this animation we complete the Termination Notification task