Asset Warehouse Management
These selected processes within the Asset Warehouse Management process allow the Asset Warehouse Manager role/users to:
- Upload an Asset Registry
- Capture and Edit General Assets
- Capture and Edit Vehicles
- Capture and Edit Firearms
- Transfer Assets
Upload Registry
The Upload Registry task allows the Asset Warehouse Manager to upload existing company assets by asset type in bulk. The Upload Registry templates have the below column names:
General Assets
- Asset Number
- Description
- Branch
- Serial Number
- Make
- Model
- Price
- Asset Number
- Description
- Branch
- Serial Number
- Manufacturer
- Country Of Origin
- Make
- Model
- Type
- Round Capacity
- Year
- Calibre
- Expiry
- Price
- Asset Number
- Description
- Branch
- Registration Number
- Make
- Model
- Year
- License Expiry
- Engine Size
- Fuel Type
- Price
Upload Registry – General Assets
Animation: In this animation, we upload a general assets registry
- In the Assets Process Group there is a Process called, Asset Management, click on the task button, Upload Registry, and select the asset Category from the drop-down.
- On selection of the General Assets category the screen will update with a list of columns that must exist in the import file:
- Asset Number
- Description
- Branch
- Serial Number
- Make
- Model
- Price
- Select the Add button to upload the prepared General Assets registry file. Once uploaded, click Confirm.
- In the animation above we opened the file to confirm all required columns are in the import file and the correct registry information is included in the import file.
- Once the import file has been evaluated by the system, the Upload Response will advise if the upload is successful or if there are any errors in the line items.
- If all is in order on the file, click Submit.
- If there are issues with the import file, the issues will be highlighted for correction.
- If this is your experience, click Cancel and Update the required fixes on the import file, then begin this process again.
- On selection of the General Assets category the screen will update with a list of columns that must exist in the import file:
Upload Registry – Firearm Assets
Animation: In this animation, we upload a Firearms assets registry.
- In the Assets Process Group there is a Process called, Asset Management, click on the task button, Upload Registry, and select the asset category from the drop-down.
- On selection of the Firearms category the screen will update with a list of columns that must exist in the import file:
- Asset Number
- Description
- Branch
- Serial Number
- Manufacturer
- Country Of Origin
- Make
- Model
- Type
- Round Capacity
- Year
- Calibre
- Expiry
- Price
- Select the Add button to upload the prepared firearms registry file. Once uploaded, click Confirm.
- In the animation above we opened the file to confirm all required columns are in the import file and the correct registry information is included in the import file.
- Once the import file has been evaluated by the system, the Upload Response will advise if the upload is successful or if there are any errors in the line items.
- If all is in order on the file, click Submit.
- If there are issues with the import file, the issues will be highlighted for correction.
- If this is your experience, Click Cancel and Update the required fixes on the import file, then begin this process again.
- On selection of the Firearms category the screen will update with a list of columns that must exist in the import file:
Upload Registry – Vehicle Assets
Animation: In this animation, we upload a vehicle assets registry
- In the Assets Process Group there is a Process called, Asset Management, click on the task button, Upload Registry, and select the asset category from the drop-down.
- On selection of the Firearms category the screen will update with a list of columns that must exist in the import file:
- Asset Number
- Description
- Branch
- Serial Number
- Manufacturer
- Country Of Origin
- Make
- Model
- Type
- Round Capacity
- Year
- Calibre
- Expiry
- Price
- Select the Add button to upload the prepared firearms registry file. Once uploaded, click Confirm.
- In the animation above we opened the file to confirm all required columns are in the import file and the correct registry information is included in the import file.
- Once the import file has been evaluated by the system, the Upload Response will advise if the upload is successful or if there are any errors in the line items.
- If all is in order on the file, click Submit.
- If there are issues with the import file, the issues will be highlighted for correction.
- If this is your experience, Click Cancel and Update the required fixes on the import file, then begin this process again.
- On selection of the Firearms category the screen will update with a list of columns that must exist in the import file: