Human Resources Employee Import

The Employee Import task allows the signed in user (HR User) to bulk import and update the basic employee information required for onboarding.

The upload file must have the below column names:

  • EmployeeNumber (This is the employee’s company number)
  • EmployeeType (This is either Checker, Office Staff, Security Officer, Supervisor)
  • FirstName
  • MiddleName
  • LastName
  • IDNumber
  • Gender
  • CertificateNumber (This is the Officer’s Psira certificate number)
  • Grade (This is the Officer’s grade)
  • IssueDate  (This is the employee’s Psira certificate issue date)
  • AchievedYear (This is the employee’s Psira certification achieved year)
  • ExpiryDate (This is the employee’s Psira certificate expiry date)
  • DateofBirth
  • CommencementDate
  • MobileNumber
  • Branch (This is the Branch of the site the employee will be rostered to work)
Animation: In this animation we bulk import employees.


  1. Once signed in, navigate to Start a Process and select Human Resources Process Group, then select the Employee Import
  2. Ensure the excel upload file has the below column headings:
    • EmployeeNumber
    • EmployeeType
    • FirstName
    • MiddleName
    • LastName
    • IDNumber
    • Gender
    • CertificateNumber
    • Grade
    • IssueDate
    • AchievedYear
    • ExpiryDate
    • DateofBirth
    • CommencementDate
    • MobileNumber
    • Branch
  3. Use the Add button to attach the Employee Import for upload. Click Save to upload.
    1. If no issues have been found in the upload document the upload may be submitted
  4. Click Save to upload the Employee Import File.
  5. A pending task will be created for each employee on the import file, these must be completed in order to complete the employee onboarding.