Creating A Site Roster
The Schedule Manager or Site Manager are tasked with creating a site schedule or roster. Eldir provides a schedule import template for the site manger to populate and save. The task allows the Schedule Manager and or Site Manager to upload the required site schedule or roster. If the Site has been pattern locked the Schedule Manager and or Site Manager may select to autogenerate the creation of a site schedule or roster for 3 / 6 /12 Months.
Animation: In this animation we create a site roster.
- Browse the process group and select Customers, then select the Customer Management process, then select the Capture Post
- When opening the Capture Post task in Step 1: select your customer and review the populated business details.
- Under Step 2: select the customer site and review the populated site details.
- Under Step 3: select the customer post and review the populated post details.
- Open the DSO_RosterTemplate, on tab two capture:
- the Customer Name in cell B2 and
- the Customer Site Name in Cell A1
- Then on tab one capture:
- the Post information in Posts (Cell B2)
- the Employee # number in Employee # (Cell A2)
- Ensure the Calendar start day matches the payroll start day.
- Note: The pattern per corresponding post should match.
- Save the Roster for upload.