The Capture Post task allows the signed in user (Customer and Configuration Manager) to capture a customer’s post details.
Note: Each customer can have multiple sites and each site can have multiple posts, but a customer must first have a site and then the site must have a post.
Animation: In this animation we capture a customer post.
- Browse the process group and select Customers, then select the Customer Management process, select the Capture Post
- When opening the Capture Post task in Step 1: select your Captured customer and review the populated business details.
- Under Step 2: select the customer site and review the populated site details.
- Under Step 3: capture (for a new post) or edit (to edit an existing post) post.
- For new post: Select the Create radio button and complete the required fields with a red Asterix (*).
- For editing an existing post: Select the Edit radio button, select the existing post then review or amend details as follows:
- Name: This is the post name. This post name must reflect on the Employee Schedule Posts column.
- Location: this is the physical location of the post.
- Shifts: this is the number of shifts in a 24-hour period.
- Pattern: this pattern is the pattern required for the post.
- Description: this is an option field should you wish to record or comment on the post requirements.
- Under Step 4: Capture or Amend the shift start and end times for each shift for this post.
- Under Step 5: Capture or Amend the working days required for this post.
- Under Step 6: Capture or amend the post complement for each shift.
- The Customer and Configuration Manager can then assign the newly created customer site to a site manager.