The Asset User Access task allows the Configuration Manager to assign user access to captured system users.
Animation: In this animation we assign a user Asset Warehouse manager access.
- Navigate to start a process, select the Site Configuration Process Group, then select the User Access Process. Select the Asset User Access
- Under Step 1: Select a user.
- Under Step 2: Review the access levels.
- Asset Warehouse Manager Role Group Access
- Asset Branch Manager Role Group Access
- Asset Site Manager Role Group Access
Table a. Asset Warehouse Manager Role Group Access | |
Screen Name | Description |
Capture General Assets | Ability to capture and edit a single general asset |
Capture Firearms | Ability to capture and edit a single firearm |
Capture Vehicles | Ability to capture and edit a single vehicle |
Upload Registry | Ability to bulk upload assets |
Transfer Assets | Ability to transfer assets from asset warehouses to other branches |
Table b. Asset Branch Manager Role Group Access | |
Screen Name | Description |
Transfer Assets | Ability to transfer assets between branches and sites they have access to |
Request Assets | Ability to request assets from the asset warehouse managers |
Table c. Asset Site Manager Role Group Access | |
Screen Name | Description |
Transfer Assets | Ability to transfer assets from sites to other branches or sites they have access to |
Request Assets | Ability to request assets from the asset branch manager |
- Under Step 3: select the user’s access level, based on the information in Step 2, by clicking the check box. Selected check boxes are populated with a tick. A user can only be assigned to one asset user access level.
- Under Step 4: if a warehouse or branch manager, select the branches to assign the selected user to.
- Under Step 5: if a site manager, select the site(s) to assign the selected user to
- Click Complete to apply and save the user access.
The Attendance User Access task allows the Configuration Manager to assign user access to captured system users.
Animation: In this animation we assign a user Attendance user access.
- Navigate to Start a Process, select the Site Configuration process group, then select the User Access Select the Attendance User Access task.
- Under Step 1: select a user.
- Under Step 2: review the access levels.
- Attendance Manager Role Group Access
Screen Name | Description |
Daily Attendance | Ability to generate, complete and maintain daily site attendance. |
Shift Attendance | Ability to receive pending task for daily site shift attendance. |
- Site Manager Role Group Access
Screen Name | Description |
Pending Tasks | Ability to receive pending task for the sites the user has access |
- Under Step 3: select the user’s access level based on the information in Step 2 by clicking the check box. Selected check boxes are populated with a tick. A user can be both an Attendance Manager and an Attendance Site Manager.
- Under Step 4: if an Attendance Site Manager, select the site(s) to assign the selected user to
- The Step 5: click Complete to apply and save the use access.
The Configuration User Access task allows the Configuration Manager to assign user access to captured system users.
Animation: In this animation we assign a user Configuration user access.
- Navigate to start a process, select the Site Configuration process group, then select the User Access Select the Configuration User Access task.
- Under Step 1: select a user.
- Under Step 2: review the access levels.
- Configuration Manager Role Group Access
Screen Name | Description |
Capture Customer | Ability to capture and edit Customers |
Capture Site | Ability to capture and edit Sites |
Capture Post | Ability to capture and edit Posts |
Company Creation | Ability to capture and edit a company |
Branch Creation | Ability to capture and edit branches |
User Creation | Ability to capture and edit users |
- Under Step 3: select the user’s access level based on the information in Step 2 by clicking the check box. Selected check boxes are populated with a tick.
- The Step 4: click Complete to apply and save the use access.
The HR User Access task allows the Configuration Manager to assign user access to captured system users.
Animation: In this animation we assign a user HR User Access and HR Managers user access.
- Navigate to start a process, select the Site Configuration process group, then select the User Access Select the HR User Access task.
- Under Step 1: select a user.
- Under Step 2: review the access levels.
- Human Resources Role Group Access
Screen Name | Description |
Employee Import | Ability to bulk upload employees |
Employee Onboarding | Ability to capture and edit employees |
Employee Qualifications | Ability to capture and edit employee qualifications |
Assign Biometrics | Ability to capture and edit employee biometrics |
Employee Previous Experience | Ability to capture and edit employee previous experience |
Employee Competencies | Ability to capture and edit employee competencies |
Employee Firearm Competencies | Ability to capture and edit employee firearm competencies |
Employee Driver’s License | Ability to capture and edit employee drivers license |
Employee Induction | Ability to capture and edit employee inductions |
Employee Emergency Contact | Ability to capture and edit employee emergency contacts |
Employee Medical Details | Ability to capture and edit employee medical details |
Employee Offboarding | Ability to offboard employees |
Disciplinary | Ability to create disciplinary actions against employees |
Expired Qualifications and competencies | Ability to view experiencing items for employees and update them |
- Under Step 3: select the user’s access level, based on the information in Step 2, by clicking the check box. Selected check boxes are populated with a tick.
- The Step 4: click Complete to apply and save the use access.
The Schedule User Access task allows the Configuration Manager to assign user access to captured system users.
Animation: In this animation we assign a user Schedule user access.
- Navigate to start a process, select the Site Configuration process group, then select the User Access Select the Schedule User Access task.
- Under Step 1: select a user.
- Under Step 2: review the access levels.
- Schedule Manager Role Group Access
Screen Name | Description |
Import Employee Schedule | Ability to import employee schedules |
Create Schedule | Ability to create an employee schedule |
Schedule Replacement | Ability to replace employees in schedules |
Schedule verification | Ability to verify schedules |
- Under Step 3: select the user’s access level based on the information in Step 2 by clicking the check box. Selected check boxes are populated with a tick.
- The Step 4: assign branches and sites to the selected user for schedule management.
- The Step 5: click Complete to apply and save the use access.
The Site Manager Access task allows the Configuration Manager to assign user access to captured system users.
Animation: In this animation we assign a user Site Manager user access.
- Navigate to start a process, select the Site Configuration process group, then select the User Access process. Select the Site Manager Access
- Under Step 1: select a user.
- Under Step 2: review the access levels.
- Schedule Site Manager Role Group Access
Screen Name | Description |
Import Employee Schedule | Ability to import employee schedules for sites the user has access to |
- Attendance Site Manager Role Group Access
Screen Name | Description |
Pending Tasks | Ability to receive pending task for the sites the user has access |
- Asset Site Manager Role Group Access
Screen Name | Description |
Transfer Assets | Ability to transfer assets from sites to other branches or sites they have access to |
Request Assets | Ability to request assets from the asset branch manager |
- Under Step 3: select the user’s access level based on the information in Step 2 by clicking the check box. Selected check boxes are populated with a tick. A user can be assigned to one, two, and all three access levels.
- The Step 4: assign the sites to the selected user for schedule management.
- The Step 5: click Complete to apply and save the use access.
The Uniform User Access task allows the Configuration Manager to assign user access to captured system users.
Animation: In this animation we assign a user Uniform user access.
- Navigate to start a process, select the Site Configuration process group, then select the User Access process. Select the Uniform User Access
- Under Step 1: select a user.
- Under Step 2: review the access levels.
- Uniform Warehouse Manager Role Group Access
Screen Name | Description |
Upload Catalogue | Ability to bulk upload uniform |
Edit Catalogue | Ability to capture and edit uniform |
Capture Warehouse Uniform | Ability to capture and edit uniform to the uniform warehouses |
Inter-branch Uniform Transfer | Ability to transfer uniform from uniform warehouses to other branches |
- Uniform Manager Role Group Access
Screen Name | Description |
Issue Personal Uniform | Ability to assign uniform from branches to employees |
Request Uniform | Ability to request uniform from the asset uniform warehouses |
- Under Step 3: select the user’s access level based on the information in Step 2 by clicking the check box. Selected check boxes are populated with a tick. A user can only be assigned to one or both Uniform access levels.
- Under Step 4: select the branches to assign the selected user to.
- Then Step 5: click Complete to apply and save the use access.