User Access

Asset User Access

The Asset User Access task allows the Configuration Manager to assign user access to captured system users.

Animation: In this animation we assign a user Asset Warehouse manager access.


  1. Navigate to start a process, select the Site Configuration Process Group, then select the User Access Process. Select the Asset User Access
  2. Under Step 1: Select a user.
  3. Under Step 2: Review the access levels.
    1. Asset Warehouse Manager Role Group Access
    2. Asset Branch Manager Role Group Access
    3. Asset Site Manager Role Group Access
Table a. Asset Warehouse Manager Role Group Access
Screen Name Description
Capture General Assets Ability to capture and edit a single general asset
Capture Firearms Ability to capture and edit a single firearm
Capture Vehicles Ability to capture and edit a single vehicle
Upload Registry Ability to bulk upload assets
Transfer Assets Ability to transfer assets from asset warehouses to other branches
Table b. Asset Branch Manager Role Group Access
Screen Name Description
Transfer Assets Ability to transfer assets between branches and sites they have access to
Request Assets Ability to request assets from the asset warehouse managers
Table c. Asset Site Manager Role Group Access
Screen Name Description
Transfer Assets Ability to transfer assets from sites to other branches or sites they have access to
Request Assets Ability to request assets from the asset branch manager
  1. Under Step 3: select the user’s access level, based on the information in Step 2, by clicking the check box. Selected check boxes are populated with a tick. A user can only be assigned to one asset user access level.
  2. Under Step 4: if a warehouse or branch manager, select the branches to assign the selected user to.
  3. Under Step 5: if a site manager, select the site(s) to assign the selected user to
  4. Click Complete to apply and save the user access.

Attendance User Access

The Attendance User Access task allows the Configuration Manager to assign user access to captured system users.

Animation: In this animation we assign a user Attendance user access.


  1. Navigate to Start a Process, select the Site Configuration process group, then select the User Access Select the Attendance User Access task.
  2. Under Step 1: select a user.
  3. Under Step 2: review the access levels.
    1. Attendance Manager Role Group Access
Screen Name Description
Daily Attendance Ability to generate, complete and maintain daily site attendance.
Shift Attendance Ability to receive pending task for daily site shift attendance.
  1. Site Manager Role Group Access
Screen Name Description
Pending Tasks Ability to receive pending task for the sites the user has access
  1. Under Step 3: select the user’s access level based on the information in Step 2 by clicking the check box. Selected check boxes are populated with a tick. A user can be both an Attendance Manager and an Attendance Site Manager.
  2. Under Step 4: if an Attendance Site Manager, select the site(s) to assign the selected user to
  3. The Step 5: click Complete to apply and save the use access.

Configuration User Access

The Configuration User Access task allows the Configuration Manager to assign user access to captured system users.

Animation: In this animation we assign a user Configuration user access.


  1. Navigate to start a process, select the Site Configuration process group, then select the User Access Select the Configuration User Access task.
  2. Under Step 1: select a user.
  3. Under Step 2: review the access levels.
    1. Configuration Manager Role Group Access
Screen Name Description
Capture Customer Ability to capture and edit Customers
Capture Site Ability to capture and edit Sites
Capture Post Ability to capture and edit Posts
Company Creation Ability to capture and edit a company
Branch Creation Ability to capture and edit branches
User Creation Ability to capture and edit users
  1. Under Step 3: select the user’s access level based on the information in Step 2 by clicking the check box. Selected check boxes are populated with a tick.
  2. The Step 4: click Complete to apply and save the use access.

HR User Access

The HR User Access task allows the Configuration Manager to assign user access to captured system users.

Animation: In this animation we assign a user HR User Access and HR Managers user access.


  1. Navigate to start a process, select the Site Configuration process group, then select the User Access Select the HR User Access task.
  2. Under Step 1: select a user.
  3. Under Step 2: review the access levels.
    1. Human Resources Role Group Access
Screen Name Description
Employee Import Ability to bulk upload employees
Employee Onboarding Ability to capture and edit employees
Employee Qualifications Ability to capture and edit employee qualifications
Assign Biometrics Ability to capture and edit employee biometrics
Employee Previous Experience Ability to capture and edit employee previous experience
Employee Competencies Ability to capture and edit employee competencies
Employee Firearm Competencies Ability to capture and edit employee firearm competencies
Employee Driver’s License Ability to capture and edit employee drivers license
Employee Induction Ability to capture and edit employee inductions
Employee Emergency Contact Ability to capture and edit employee emergency contacts
Employee Medical Details Ability to capture and edit employee medical details
Employee Offboarding Ability to offboard employees
Disciplinary Ability to create disciplinary actions against employees
Expired Qualifications and competencies Ability to view experiencing items for employees and update them
  1. Under Step 3: select the user’s access level, based on the information in Step 2, by clicking the check box. Selected check boxes are populated with a tick.
  2. The Step 4: click Complete to apply and save the use access.

Schedule User Access

The Schedule User Access task allows the Configuration Manager to assign user access to captured system users.

Animation: In this animation we assign a user Schedule user access.


  1. Navigate to start a process, select the Site Configuration process group, then select the User Access Select the Schedule User Access task.
  2. Under Step 1: select a user.
  3. Under Step 2: review the access levels.
    1. Schedule Manager Role Group Access
Screen Name Description
Import Employee Schedule Ability to import employee schedules
Create Schedule Ability to create an employee schedule
Schedule Replacement Ability to replace employees in schedules
Schedule verification Ability to verify schedules
  1. Under Step 3: select the user’s access level based on the information in Step 2 by clicking the check box. Selected check boxes are populated with a tick.
  2. The Step 4: assign branches and sites to the selected user for schedule management.
  3. The Step 5: click Complete to apply and save the use access.

Site Manager Access

The Site Manager Access task allows the Configuration Manager to assign user access to captured system users.

Animation: In this animation we assign a user Site Manager user access.


  1. Navigate to start a process, select the Site Configuration process group, then select the User Access process. Select the Site Manager Access
  2. Under Step 1: select a user.
  3. Under Step 2: review the access levels.
    1. Schedule Site Manager Role Group Access
Screen Name Description
Import Employee Schedule Ability to import employee schedules for sites the user has access to
  1. Attendance Site Manager Role Group Access
Screen Name Description
Pending Tasks Ability to receive pending task for the sites the user has access
  1. Asset Site Manager Role Group Access
Screen Name Description
Transfer Assets Ability to transfer assets from sites to other branches or sites they have access to
Request Assets Ability to request assets from the asset branch manager
  1. Under Step 3: select the user’s access level based on the information in Step 2 by clicking the check box. Selected check boxes are populated with a tick. A user can be assigned to one, two, and all three access levels.
  2. The Step 4: assign the sites to the selected user for schedule management.
  3. The Step 5: click Complete to apply and save the use access.

Uniform User Access

The Uniform User Access task allows the Configuration Manager to assign user access to captured system users.

Animation: In this animation we assign a user Uniform user access. 


  1. Navigate to start a process, select the Site Configuration process group, then select the User Access process. Select the Uniform User Access
  2. Under Step 1: select a user.
  3. Under Step 2: review the access levels.
    1. Uniform Warehouse Manager Role Group Access
Screen Name Description
Upload Catalogue Ability to bulk upload uniform
Edit Catalogue Ability to capture and edit uniform
Capture Warehouse Uniform Ability to capture and edit uniform to the uniform warehouses
Inter-branch Uniform Transfer Ability to transfer uniform from uniform warehouses to other branches
  1. Uniform Manager Role Group Access
Screen Name Description
Issue Personal Uniform Ability to assign uniform from branches to employees
Request Uniform Ability to request uniform from the asset uniform warehouses
  1. Under Step 3: select the user’s access level based on the information in Step 2 by clicking the check box. Selected check boxes are populated with a tick. A user can only be assigned to one or both Uniform access levels.
  2. Under Step 4: select the branches to assign the selected user to.
  3. Then Step 5: click Complete to apply and save the use access.