Employee Driver’s License

The purpose of this task is to allow the capturing and updating of an Employee’s Driver’s License.

Animation: In this animation we update an employee’s driver’s license.


  1. Navigate to Start a Process and select Human Resources, then select the Employee Onboarding process, then select Employee Driver’s License.
  2. Under Step 1 select the employee whose driver’s license you are capturing / updating.
  3. Under Step 2 capture / update the employee driver’s license details. Add the relevant supporting documentation. The below listed information is required before clicking Continue to complete the task:
    • Code
    • Issue Date
    • Expiry Date
    • Document

Once the Continue button is clicked the task is completed and the employee’s record is updated.


Q: How do I Remove a document I have added?

A: Select the Remove checkbox and add a comment, reason for the document removal.

Animation: In this animation we delete an employee’s driver’s license document.