Disciplinary: Section 510c

Animation: In this animation we issue and complete a Section 510c disciplinary task.


  1. Navigate to Start a Process and select Human Resources, then select the Disciplinary process, the Disciplinary task will open.
  2. Under Step 1 select the employee that you are issuing a Warning / Section 510c / (AOD) Acknowledgment of debt letter to.
  3. Step 2: Select a disciplinary option that is being lodged against the employee.
    1. Warning
    2. Section 510c
    3. (AOD) Acknowledgment of debt
  4. Step 3: Complete the required information for the Section510C.
  5. The below listed fields are required before clicking Continue to initiate the disciplinary tasks:
    • Damage Caused on Date
    • Hearing Date
    • Delivered To HR By
    • Total Amount
    • Damage Caused To
  1. Click Continue, A pending task will be created to complete the disciplinary task and
    1. An email is sent to the HR User with an attachment that is populated with the corresponding disciplinary information completed on the task, for printing, issuing to the employee and signatures.
  2. Once the document has been signed by all parties, a copy of this is to be attached to the pending Complete Disciplinary
  3. Click on Pending Tasks, navigate to and click on the Complete Disciplinary For: When opening the Complete Disciplinary For: Task.
    1. Step 1 summarizes the basic information of the disciplinary task created and allows the HR user to add the signed disciplinary documentation.
    2. Step 2 summarizes the Section510C details in the disciplinary task created.
  4. Click on Complete to complete and archive the task.

Note: This documentation may be found under the employee profile on the 01. Employee Onboarding Screen.