Assign Biometrics

This task can be accessed either by the pending tasks list (if there is) or manually by Start a Process. Only HR users may complete the Assign Biometrics task. The Onboarding process is complete at the end of this step as the company has captured the required basic information to roster an employee for shift.

Animation:  In this animation we assign an employee’s biometrics, we upload an employee’s photo for facial recognition to the biometric device.


  1. If this task is not a pending task item, then navigate to Start a Process and select Human Resources, then select the Employee Onboarding process, then select Assign Biometrics task.
    • If this task is a pending task item, navigate to Pending Tasks and select Capture Biometrics For: (Employee)
  2. Under Step 1, review the employee’s details and confirm that they are accurate.
  3. Under Step 2, select the corresponding device environment you will be provisioning the employee biometrics for.
    • You must select at least one action to complete this step.
    • Then Add the employee image.
  4. Under Step 3, click Continue. This task will be archived.
  5. If this was the last step in the employee onboarding process:
    • On the screen that follows, it says that you have Successfully Captured the employee’s Biometrics.
      • Under Step 2, click Complete.